Just the FAQs, ma'am, just the FAQs

The incomplete, unauthoritative answers to some, but not all, of your questions on life in Japan

updated August 05, 2001

by topic
money matters

Welcome to the combination FAQ / Alt-FAQ for How can this be both FAQ and Alt-FAQ? By recognizing that there are many aspects of life in Japan and that no one person has a monopoly on the "right" answers. Answering some questions is a simple matter of providing a simple fact. Most things aren't that cut-and-dried, however. Hence, questions requiring answers based more on individual perceptions are open for answers from several people. In such cases, it is the responsibility of the reader to read carefully and separate individual biases and personal agendas from gospel fact. No attempt is made to create a single answer from a group consensus. As far as I know, the group has never had one anyway.

Posting Guidelines

  1. Submit proposals for topics, questions, or answers to the group, or via e-mail.
  2. Try to be brief. Paragraphs.....not polemics.
  3. Try to be informative. Save spleen venting for posting to the group.
  4. No personal attacks or insults. Save those for the group, too.
  5. No profanity. I hate changing servers.
  6. No "responding" to FAQ answers posted by others. Make your answer stand on its own.
  7. Answers with a negative / cynical tone are fine, but try to follow #2 and #3 above, would ya?